When chlorine reacts with sodium or hydrogen, however, it forms the negative chloride ion. Chloride an essential nutrient is required in the diet.
It is widely distributed in all plant foods. But most important source of chloride in the diet is common table salt i.e. sodium chloride.
Chloride moves passively across membranes through channels and so also associates with potassium inside cells. Like sodium and potassium, chloride maintains fluid and electrolyte balance.
Chloride is a key element in the hydrochloric acid secreted in gastric juice. The action of gastric enzymes requires the proper acidity level of stomach fluids.
Large amounts of chloride are found in the extracellular fluid but some amount is also found in the red blood cells and to a lesser degree in other cells.
Chloride ions help red blood cells transport large amounts of carbon dioxide to the lungs for release in breathing. The chloride ions move easily in and out of red blood cells in balance with the carbon dioxide to counteract any potential changes in the acid-base balance. This movement of chloride on and out of red blood cells is called the ‘chloride’ shift.
Severe deficiency of chloride occurs in cases of excessive vomiting and diarrhea when large amounts of chloride is lost resulting in alkalosis due to replacement of chloride with bicarbonate.
Functions of Chloride in human body
Food science and technology involve the application of essential scientific knowledge and engineering principles to fulfill society's demands for sustainable food quality, safety, and security. This area of study encompasses the analysis of the physical, chemical, and biochemical attributes of food, as well as the principles that govern food processing.
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