Monday, May 14, 2012

Iron and Iodine in Human Body

A number of minerals or elements are required for normal body functions. Human need minerals to satay healthy. People get minerals by drinking water and eating food.

Minerals play significant roles in virtually every metabolic process occurring within the body.

Iron is required, since it is an essential part of both the blood pigment, hemoglobin, and muscle pigment, myoglobin.

Some body enzymes also have composites that include iron. Deficiencies of iron cause anemia. It is the most common nutrient deficiency, affecting more than 1.2 billion people.

Liver, animal muscle tissues, eggs, oats meal, wheat flour, cocoa, and chocolate are good source of iron. Approximately 10.0 mg of iron are required daily.

For many people that meal is breakfast, which may also include citrus juice whose vitamin C may increase the absorption of nonheme iron.

Iodine is required by all vertebra animals, including the human, since it is a component of the hormone, thyroxine, produced by the thyroid gland.

Thyroid hormone is constructed from iodide and the amino acid tyrosine and has two form thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) based on the number of iodide atoms.

This hormone regulates metabolic levels. Deficiency of iodine leads to low level metabolism, lethargy, and goiter. Iodine deficiency has existed for centuries.

Requirements of iodine are believed to be about 0.1 mg daily. In food iodine is mostly in its ion form – iodide. Sea food and salt water fish are the beat sources of iodine. In areas where the water is known to be deficient in iodine, iodized table salt may be used in place of regular table salt.
Iron and Iodine in Human Body

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