The average human body contains about 20 % of fat, 15% protein, much smaller amounts of carbohydrate (perhaps I %) and a large proportion of body mass consist of water.
Carbohydrates serve as the main source of energy for the body. The carbohydrate category includes simple sugars and complex carbohydrates such as starches and dietary fiber. Fiber is also a complex carbohydrate and is found in the walls of plant cells.
Human body also contains substantial amounts of the “major minerals,” from calcium and phosphorus down to sulfur and magnesium as well as trace quantities of most elements. In the context of nutrition, minerals consists of 15 element found in foods that perform functions in the body.
The protein category includes 20 amino acids the chemical units that serve as the ‘building blocks’ for protein. The body needs food with protein to build and rebuild its cell. Human skin, teeth and bones are all parts of human body that require protein.
Vitamins are also essential to the function of the body, Some vitamins are dissolved in body fat and are stored in the body.
The human diet reflects this compositional need, and consists of large quantities of water containing, proteinaceous, fatty, and carbohydrate foods, as well as others rich in the minerals.
Category of nutrients