Wheatgrass is a variety of grass that comes from the shoots of the wheat berry. The ultimate value from the humble wheat grain is obtained from sprouted wheat and wheatgrass shoots that are pressed into a juice, termed wheatgrass juice.
Wheatgrass juice is quickly becoming one of the most popular supplements used by health conscious people.
Wheatgrass rich source of vitamin A, C, B12, fiber, chlorophyll (over 70%) amino acid including lysine, leucine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, threonine, valine and leucine.
Wheatgrass also an excellent vegetarian source of protein, laetrile (an anti-cancer compound) and mucopolysaccharides.
When wheatgrass juice is dried, some of its nutrient value increase by a factor of twenty or more due to the absence of water.
This small amount of green juice will supply nearly as much vitamins and minerals as food the average person eats each day.
It is a compete food containing practically all the major vitamins and minerals.
The nutrients from wheat grass juice are more easily absorbed into the bloodstream than the nutrients of other fibrous vegetables.
According to experts, just two ounces of wheatgrass juice is equivalent to the nutrition provided by four pounds of organic green vegetable.
Wheatgrass juice’s high enzyme content helps dissolve tumor. It is the fastest way to eliminate internal waste and proved an optimum nutritional environment.
Wheat grass juice contains over 70 percent chlorophyll. Because it is absorbed into the body stream almost immediately, the juice can be a potent blood cleanser in the body.
It will help rebuild digestive enzymes that have been destroyed by antigens created through pollution and cooked foods.
Wheat grass juice nutritional value
Food science and technology involve the application of essential scientific knowledge and engineering principles to fulfill society's demands for sustainable food quality, safety, and security. This area of study encompasses the analysis of the physical, chemical, and biochemical attributes of food, as well as the principles that govern food processing.
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