Recent studies suggest that vitamin D may play a significant role in many aspects of heart and vascular health.
Study by Harvard School of Pubic Health published in New England Journal of Medicine May 20 1993, showed a reduced risk if heart disease for both men and women who took beta-carotene and vitamin E supplements.
Among the 3,000 women in the study who had no prior heart disease but three or more risk factors for it, those who received vitamin C alone or in combination had a 42 percent lower risk of stroke. Smokers taking C also had a 48 percent lower risk.
While the antioxidant role of vitamin E has been attributed to its capacity to protect cells and tissues from free radical effects, by acting as a lipid based, radical chain breaking molecule.
Many cross-sectional, case-control and cohort studies have found an association between antioxidant consumption especially vitamin E and a reduced risk of coronary heart disease; moreover, people who consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables have lower risks of coronary vascular disease.
Antioxidants to prevent of cardiovascular disease