Sunday, September 16, 2018

Food idiosyncrasy

Food idiosyncrasies are adverse reactions to foods or food components that occur through unknown mechanisms and which can even include psychosomatic illnesses.

The reaction can resemble or differ from symptoms of true food allergy. Idiosyncratic reactions to food are quantitatively abnormal responses to a food substance or additive differing in its physiologic or pharmacologic effects. This type of response resembles a hypersensitivity reaction but does not involve the immune system as seen in food allergy reactions.

Food idiosyncrasy is mostly mechanical in nature as occurs due to less fibre in the diet or the presence of certain indigestible (bones) products. Sulfite-induced asthma is the best example of an idiosyncratic reaction that has been well documented to occur among certain consumers, although the mechanism remains unknown.

Sulfite-induced asthma can potentially be life threatening. Idiosyncrasy reactions to food have been recognized since Hippocratic times,' but systematic approaches to diagnosis and therapy have only begun recently with the introduction of elimination diets by Rowe and the double-blind food challenge by May and Bock.
Food idiosyncrasy

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