Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Carvacrol: Properties and Uses

Carvacrol, classified as a monoterpenic phenol, occurs naturally in plants like oregano, thyme, wild bergamot, pepperwort, and Mexican oregano. Its acknowledged qualities include antimicrobial, antitumor, and antidepressant-like attributes.

Its capacity to hinder bacterial growth has led to its extensive incorporation into the food industry as a food additive. Its functions extend to being a flavor enhancer and preservative in edibles. Additionally, carvacrol is harnessed for its aromatic qualities in the realm of cosmetics.

Laboratory experiments have firmly established carvacrol's efficacy against a spectrum of harmful microorganisms that can trigger foodborne diseases or spoilage. Its antimicrobial prowess outperforms that of other volatile compounds found in essential oils, attributed to its hydroxyl group, hydrophobic character, and phenolic makeup.

Significantly, carvacrol has acquired the GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) designation, underscoring its secure application in food items.
Carvacrol: Properties and Uses

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